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Hua Wei Trademark Co., Ltd.

In addition to regular trademark and other services, Hua Wei also provides co...

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  • Contact:严成智
  • Phone:020-38819075
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Haoting Trademark Network is the leading trademark transfer agency in China. Since its establishment ten years ago, Haoting Trademark Network has provided nationwide intellectual property services to hundreds of thousands of domestic customers, including global customers. Haoting Trademark Transfer Network is the leading trademark network in the country. The transaction volume exceeds that of all other websites combined, with more than 10,000 trademarks to be transferred, offices nationwide, and fast speed. Haoting Trademark Transfer Network is the leading trademark transfer agency in China. Since its establishment ten years ago, Haoting Trademark Transfer Network has provided nationwide intellectual property services to hundreds of thousands of domestic customers, including global customers. Haoting Trademark Transfer Network is a nationwide The leading trademark website in China, with transaction volume exceeding all other websites combined, and more than 10,000 trademarks to be t... [Details]